ascii special characters

For example, Canada had its own version that supported French characters. Encodings include ISCII (India), VISCII (Vietnam). Over the past eight years, Juan has provided anti-spam and web design tools to over 1000 web-based businesses. 2), and rearranged mathematical symbols (varied conventions, commonly -* =+) to :* ;+ -=. It is a set of codes used for representing the English alphabet as numbers. ITA2 were in turn based on the 5-bit telegraph code Émile Baudot invented in 1870 and patented in 1874. Unfortunately, requiring two characters to mark the end of a line introduces unnecessary complexity and questions as to how to interpret each character when encountered alone. Because the keytop for the O key also showed a left-arrow symbol (from ASCII-1963, which had this character instead of underscore), a noncompliant use of code 15 (Control-O, Shift In) interpreted as "delete previous character" was also adopted by many early timesharing systems but eventually became neglected. A popular further extension designed by Microsoft, Windows-1252 (often mislabeled as ISO-8859-1), added the typographic punctuation marks needed for traditional text printing. The committee voted to use a seven-bit code to minimize costs associated with data transmission. ASCII value in C What is ASCII code? The 33 ASR also could be configured to employ Control-R (DC2) and Control-T (DC4) to start and stop the tape punch; on some units equipped with this function, the corresponding control character lettering on the keycap above the letter was TAPE and TAPE respectively. Electric typewriters, notably the IBM Selectric (1961), used a somewhat different layout that has become standard on computers – following the IBM PC (1981), especially Model M (1984) – and thus shift values for symbols on modern keyboards do not correspond as closely to the ASCII table as earlier keyboards did. The @ symbol was not used in continental Europe and the committee expected it would be replaced by an accented À in the French variation, so the @ was placed in position 40hex, right before the letter A. For example, a Swedish programmer mailing another programmer asking if they should go for lunch, could get "N{ jag har sm|rg}sar" as the answer, which should be "Nä jag har smörgåsar" meaning "No I've got sandwiches". Codes 20hex to 7Ehex, known as the printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. The characters with code from 0 through 31, including 127 are not printable as a regular character. However, it would require all data transmission to send eight bits when seven could suffice. TWX originally used the earlier five-bit ITA2, which was also used by the competing Telex teleprinter system. [11] Ninety-five of the encoded characters are printable: these include the digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, and punctuation symbols. The original Macintosh OS, Apple DOS, and ProDOS, on the other hand, used carriage return (CR) alone as a line terminator; however, since Apple replaced these operating systems with the Unix-based macOS operating system, they now use line feed (LF) as well. [48] Because of his extensive work on ASCII, Bemer has been called "the father of ASCII". Although these encodings are sometimes referred to as ASCII, true ASCII is defined strictly only by the ANSI standard. Other international standards bodies have ratified character encodings such as ISO 646 (1967) that are identical or nearly identical to ASCII, with extensions for characters outside the English alphabet and symbols used outside the United States, such as the symbol for the United Kingdom's pound sterling (£). To keep options available for lowercase letters and other graphics, the special and numeric codes were arranged before the letters, and the letter A was placed in position 41hex to match the draft of the corresponding British standard. (RU), a reserved device control (DC0), synchronous idle (SYNC), and acknowledge (ACK). 2. Over time this meaning has been co-opted and has eventually been changed. ASCII characters from 33 to 126; ASCII code Character ASCII code Character ASCII code Character; 33! The main deviations in ASCII order are: An intermediate order converts uppercase letters to lowercase before comparing ASCII values. Microsoft Office and Microsoft Word do both have unicode input tools, but they are not as complete as this website. However, ASCII split the ;: pair (dating to No. Points assigned since the 1963 version but otherwise unchanged are shown lightly shaded relative to their legend colours. It would share most characters in common, but assign other locally useful characters to several code points reserved for "national use". One example: in C… The X3.2 subcommittee designed ASCII based on the earlier teleprinter encoding systems. The ASCII table has 128 characters, ranging from 0 to 127. Work on the ASCII standard began on October 6, 1960, with the first meeting of the American Standards Association's (ASA) (now the American National Standards Institute or ANSI) X3.2 subcommittee. That kind of knowledge will set you apart from bloggers and website owners don't know what to do when a special character doesn't print out correctly on a web browser. DEC operating systems (OS/8, RT-11, RSX-11, RSTS, TOPS-10, etc.) Update a column value, replacing part of a string in MySQL? Even more importantly, forward compatibility is ensured as software that recognizes only 7-bit ASCII characters as special and does not alter bytes with the highest bit set (as is often done to support 8-bit ASCII extensions such as ISO-8859-1) will preserve UTF-8 data unchanged. The Unix terminal driver could only use one code to erase the previous character, this could be set to BS or DEL, but not both, resulting in a long period of annoyance where users had to correct it depending on what terminal they were using (shells that allow line editing, such as ksh, bash, and zsh, understand both). ASCII Digits: U+0030 0 48 060 Digit Zero: 0017 U+0031 1 49 061 Digit One: 0018 U+0032 2 50 062 Digit Two: 0019 U+0033 3 51 063 Digit Three: 0020 U+0034 4 52 064 Digit Four: 0021 U+0035 5 53 065 Digit Five: 0022 U+0036 6 54 066 Digit Six: 0023 U+0037 7 55 067 Digit Seven: 0024 U+0038 8 56 070 Digit Eight: 0025 U+0039 9 57 071 Digit Nine: 0026 ASCII Punctuation & Symbols Computers attached to the ARPANET included machines running operating systems such as TOPS-10 and TENEX using CR-LF line endings, machines running operating systems such as Multics using LF line endings, and machines running operating systems such as OS/360 that represented lines as a character count followed by the characters of the line and that used EBCDIC rather than ASCII. Below is the ASCII character table, including descriptions of the first 32 characters. Those are included in the column labeled "Special code / HTML entity". Atari 8-bit computers and Galaksija computers also used ASCII variants. We can use the ASCII codes to provide more meaning to the information. To simplify matters plain text data streams, including files, on Multics[39] used line feed (LF) alone as a line terminator. [40] The File Transfer Protocol adopted the Telnet protocol, including use of the Network Virtual Terminal, for use when transmitting commands and transferring data in the default ASCII mode. ... ASCII Character ASCII Character Name Description; 32: Space: ASCII Value of ‘Space’ is 32: 33! Until the introduction of PC DOS in 1981, IBM had no hand in this because their 1970s operating systems used EBCDIC instead of ASCII and they were oriented toward punch-card input and line printer output on which the concept of carriage return was meaningless. ASCII (/ˈæskiː/ (listen) ASS-kee),[3]:6 abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. Before ASCII was developed, the encodings in use included 26 alphabetic characters, 10 numerical digits, and from 11 to 25 special graphic symbols. [3]:215, 236 §4, The committee considered an eight-bit code, since eight bits (octets) would allow two four-bit patterns to efficiently encode two digits with binary-coded decimal. [16] The X3.2.4 task group voted its approval for the change to ASCII at its May 1963 meeting. The committee decided it was important to support uppercase 64-character alphabets, and chose to pattern ASCII so it could be reduced easily to a usable 64-character set of graphic codes,[3]:228, 237 §14 as was done in the DEC SIXBIT code (1963). C trigraphs were created to solve this problem for ANSI C, although their late introduction and inconsistent implementation in compilers limited their use. [a][14] The parentheses could not correspond to 9 and 0, however, because the place corresponding to 0 was taken by the space character. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The following is a list of known problems with the set of HTML entities: This is the same meaning of "escape" encountered in URL encodings, C language strings, and other systems where certain characters have a reserved meaning. [3]:243, The control codes felt essential for data transmission were the start of message (SOM), end of address (EOA), end of message (EOM), end of transmission (EOT), "who are you?" Table 1. Many of the characters have special HTML entities. ASCII reserves the first 32 codes (numbers 0–31 decimal) for control characters: codes originally intended not to represent printable information, but rather to control devices (such as printers) that make use of ASCII, or to provide meta-information about data streams such as those stored on magnetic tape. Character 127 represents the command DEL. Eventually, as 8-, 16- and 32-bit (and later 64-bit) computers began to replace 12-, 18- and 36-bit computers as the norm, it became common to use an 8-bit byte to store each character in memory, providing an opportunity for extended, 8-bit relatives of ASCII. pair also dates to the No. The ISO/IEC 8859 standard (derived from the DEC-MCS) finally provided a standard that most systems copied (at least as accurately as they copied ASCII, but with many substitutions). ASCII is used as a character encoding standard for … CHAR( ASCII Number) Excel VBA. [3]:66, 245 There was some debate at the time whether there should be more control characters rather than the lowercase alphabet. [3]:247–248 ASCII was subsequently updated as USAS X3.4-1967,[6][19] then USAS X3.4-1968, ANSI X3.4-1977, and finally, ANSI X3.4-1986.[8][20]. [33], The Teletype could not move the head backwards, so it did not put a key on the keyboard to send a BS (backspace). é, ñ, ß, Ł), currency symbols (e.g. You can contact him here or in the comments below. In addition, the original ASCII specification included 33 non-printing control codes which originated with Teletype machines; most of these are now obsolete,[12] although a few are still commonly used, such as the carriage return, line feed and tab codes. The Model 33 was also notable for taking the description of Control-G (code 7, BEL, meaning audibly alert the operator) literally, as the unit contained an actual bell which it rang when it received a BEL character. Operating systems such as DOS supported these code pages, and manufacturers of IBM PCs supported them in hardware. ASCII was the most common character encoding on the World Wide Web until December 2007, when UTF-8 encoding surpassed it; UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII.[53][54][55]. By the time so-called "glass TTYs" (later called CRTs or terminals) came along, the convention was so well established that backward compatibility necessitated continuing the convention. There are 95 printable characters in total.[m]. The "escape" character (ESC, code 27), for example, was intended originally to allow sending other control characters as literals instead of invoking their meaning. ASCII was developed a long time ago and now the non-printing characters are rarely used for their original purpose. Character encoding Dec Hex Binary HTML Char ; Unicode character table See also. [3]:220, 236 8,9) The "space" character had to come before graphics to make sorting easier, so it became position 20hex;[3]:237 §10 for the same reason, many special signs commonly used as separators were placed before digits. In the table, we can see Decimal and Hexadecimal values for each character, Decimal values from 0 to 31 and 127, are non-printable control characters. ISO/IEC 646, like ASCII, is a 7-bit character set. Digital Equipment Corporation developed the Multinational Character Set (DEC-MCS) for use in the popular VT220 terminal as one of the first extensions designed more for international languages than for block graphics. In C programming, a character variable holds ASCII value (an integer number between 0 and 127) rather than that character itself. "#$% were placed in the second stick,[a][14] positions 1–5, corresponding to the digits 1–5 in the adjacent stick. 2 (1878), the first typewriter with a shift key, and the shifted values of 23456789- were "#$%_&'() – early typewriters omitted 0 and 1, using O (capital letter o) and l (lowercase letter L) instead, but 1! Turn on Num Lock on your keyboard to activate the numeric keypad. [32] Except for the control characters that prescribe elementary line-oriented formatting, ASCII does not define any mechanism for describing the structure or appearance of text within a document. As we are humans we have our language to understand the same way machine also have the same thing to understand characters, digits, special characters that is ASCII representation of the character. Kaypro CP/M computers used the "upper" 128 characters for the Greek alphabet. [35][36] Because of this, DEC video terminals (by default) sent the DEL code for the key marked "Backspace" while the key marked "Delete" sent an escape sequence, while many other terminals sent BS for the Backspace key. To enter the symbols in Microsoft Windows from decimal code 33 to 255, press and hold the left Alt key, then on the number pad (only on the number pad, not on the number rows above the letters on the keyboard), type 0 followed by the decimal code for the symbol, and release the Alt key. Each character or a special character is represented by some ASCII code, and each ascii code occupies 7 bits in memory. ASCII codes each indicate a different symbol, so you can use them to add special characters to a document quickly via the numeric keypad: Learn or look up the correct ASCII code for the symbol(s) you need. used both characters to mark the end of a line so that the console device (originally Teletype machines) would work. Probably the most influential single device on the interpretation of these characters was the Teletype Model 33 ASR, which was a printing terminal with an available paper tape reader/punch option. For example, the ASCII value of 'A' is 65. Almost every country needed an adapted version of ASCII, since ASCII suited the needs of only the US and a few other countries. Table 2 shows a sample list of the ASCII Control Characters. With the other special characters and control codes filled in, ASCII was published as ASA X3.4-1963,[5][13] leaving 28 code positions without any assigned meaning, reserved for future standardization, and one unassigned control code. For example, to obtain the inverted question mark (¿) in Microsoft Windows, press and hold Alt, and type 0, 1, 9, 1, and then release the Alt key. [8] Compared to earlier telegraph codes, the proposed Bell code and ASCII were both ordered for more convenient sorting (i.e., alphabetization) of lists, and added features for devices other than teleprinters. exclamation point 34 " double quotation 35 # number sign 36 $ dollar sign 37 % percent sign 38 & ampersand 39 ' apostrophe 40 (left parenthesis41) right parenthesis 42 * asterisk 43 + plus sign 44, comma 45-hyphen46. The character sets used in modern computers, in HTML, and on the Internet, are all based on ASCII. The standards committee decided against shifting, and so ASCII required at least a seven-bit code. Included in this chart are alternative ASCII entities for spaces between 127 and 159, which most browsers have now allocated to commonly used symbols such as the € (Euro) symbol. The bottom line is that you're incorrect that the source code is using extended ASCII, and so your assumption that those characters would be represented by single bytes with the values 131 and 132 was incorrect. (for example, in e-mail or Usenet) contained "{, }" and similar variants in the middle of words, something those programmers got used to. The entire carriage had to be pushed (returned) to the right in order to position the left margin of the paper for the next line. By: David Rader II on July 14, 2007 @ 6:24 AM: This is a much smaller, but less common list characters. [citation needed], The use of ASCII format for Network Interchange was described in 1969. For other uses, see, ASCII chart from a pre-1972 printer manual. Since extended ASCII uses a single byte for every character, it took the two bytes vi used to represent each of those characters, and showed one character for each byte. The ASCII decimal (Dec) number is created from binary, which is the language of all computers.As shown in the table below, the lowercase "h" character (Char) has a … Special member functions: Default constructor: Copy constructor: Move constructor (C++11) Copy assignment ... Miscellaneous : Inline assembly: History of C++ The following chart contains all 128 ASCII decimal (dec), octal (oct), hexadecimal (hex) and character (ch) codes. ASCII-code order is also called ASCIIbetical order. [4] His British colleague Hugh McGregor Ross helped to popularize this work – according to Bemer, "so much so that the code that was to become ASCII was first called the Bemer–Ross Code in Europe". Below is the ASCII character table and this includes descriptions of the first 32 non-printing characters. period 47 Unicode and the ISO/IEC 10646 Universal Character Set (UCS) have a much wider array of characters and their various encoding forms have begun to supplant ISO/IEC 8859 and ASCII rapidly in many environments. You will find almost every character on your keyboard. The vast majority of these characters are new to HTML 4, but are generally supported by every browser. ASCII may refer to any of the following:. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they support many additional characters. The /? ASCII Table Dec = Decimal Value Char = Character '5' has the int value 53 if we write … Code 0 – the null character. The first two so-called ASCII sticks[a][14] (32 positions) were reserved for control characters. In a shifted code, some character codes determine choices between options for the following character codes. While ASCII is limited to 128 characters, Unicode and the UCS support more characters by separating the concepts of unique identification (using natural numbers called code points) and encoding (to 8-, 16- or 32-bit binary formats, called UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32). Sandia Labs' HTML Special Character Entity Names; The ASCII Character Set, ANSI Standard X3.4-1968 (see also the ANSI Standard X3.110-1983) The HTML concepts of character references and entity references (entity names) are defined in the document "Special Characters" in HTML. To overcome this issue, one can use the ASCII number of those characters. Some of them describe certain actions. The following is a list of special characters in ASCII together with their HTML entities. To enter the following symbols on a Mac; enable Unicode hex through System Preferences → International → Input Menu → Unicode Hex Input. In graphical user interface (GUI) and windowing systems, ESC generally causes an application to abort its current operation or to exit (terminate) altogether. Short for American Standard Code for Information Interexchange, ASCII is a standard that assigns letters, numbers, and other characters in the 256 slots available in the 8-bit code. When you select information for sorting, it is important to understand how characters are evaluated by the system. ASCII is an acronym of 'American Standard Code for Information Interchange'. [3]:435 The indecision did not last long: during May 1963 the CCITT Working Party on the New Telegraph Alphabet proposed to assign lowercase characters to sticks[a][14] 6 and 7,[15] and International Organization for Standardization TC 97 SC 2 voted during October to incorporate the change into its draft standard. Introduction to ASCII Value in C. ASCII is abbreviated as the “American Standard Code for Information Interchange”. graphemes and control characters). To be a good blogger, a web developer, a webmaster, or even a search engine optimizer, you must at least know a few of the HTML code equivalents of these ASCII special characters. For example, lowercase i would be represented in the ASCII encoding by binary 1101001 = hexadecimal 69 (i is the ninth letter) = decimal 105. The X3 committee made other changes, including other new characters (the brace and vertical bar characters),[18] renaming some control characters (SOM became start of header (SOH)) and moving or removing others (RU was removed). Bob Bemer introduced features such as the escape sequence. Any character can be part of an identifier if the identifier is enclosed in double quotes. Most early home computer systems developed their own 8-bit character sets containing line-drawing and game glyphs, and often filled in some or all of the control characters from 0 to 31 with more graphics. [3]:217, 236 §5 Eight-bit machines (with octets as the native data type) that did not use parity checking typically set the eighth bit to 0.[29]. Code 20hex, the "space" character, denotes the space between words, as produced by the space bar of a keyboard. Today, most of them are obsolete and chances are that you will not use them. This allows digital devices to communicate with each other and to process, store, and communicate character-oriented information such as written language. ASCII Codes in Excel helps us to use special characters in Excel Cells and Other Objects. This was accommodated by removing _ (underscore) from 6 and shifting the remaining characters, which corresponded to many European typewriters that placed the parentheses with 8 and 9. Removing all non-alphabetic characters from a string in JavaScript; Fetch a specific record from a column with string values (string, numbers and special characters) in MySQL The only characters that must be escaped are \ and ". It is difficult to remember all the numbers assigned to 128 characters like for capital B the assigned number is 066, and so on. The purpose of this key was to erase mistakes in a hand-typed paper tape: the operator had to push a button on the tape punch to back it up, then type the rubout, which punched all holes and replaced the mistake with a character that was intended to be ignored. Code 7Fhex corresponds to the non-printable "delete" (DEL) control character and is therefore omitted from this chart; it is covered in the previous section's chart. To include all these, and control characters compatible with the Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique (CCITT) International Telegraph Alphabet No. When a Teletype 33 ASR equipped with the automatic paper tape reader received a Control-S (XOFF, an abbreviation for transmit off), it caused the tape reader to stop; receiving Control-Q (XON, "transmit on") caused the tape reader to resume. The Radio Shack TRS-80 also used a lone CR to terminate lines. It contains the numbers from 0-9, the upper and lower case English letters from A to Z, and some special characters. [31] Collation of data is sometimes done in this order rather than "standard" alphabetical order (collating sequence). Thus, in ASCII ! ASCII values can be used to refer the characters in both Excel formulas as well as Excel VBA. Other representations might be used by specialist equipment, for example ISO 2047 graphics or hexadecimal numbers. 2, and the ,< .> pairs were used on some keyboards (others, including the No. What this means is that, if you assign 'A' to a character variable, 65 is stored in the variable rather than 'A' itself. Since perforated tape at the time could record eight bits in one position, it also allowed for a parity bit for error checking if desired. Unix and Unix-like systems, and Amiga systems, adopted this convention from Multics. The Macintosh defined Mac OS Roman and Postscript also defined a set, both of these contained both international letters and typographic punctuation marks instead of graphics, more like modern character sets. These were positioned to maximize the Hamming distance between their bit patterns.[3]:243–245. Alias(es): ISO-IR-006, ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ISO_646.irv:1991, ISO646-US, us, IBM367, cp367 1. Decimal-to-Hex-to-Decimal Calculator & Hex Tutorial, Left parenthesis; Left round bracket; Left paren, Right parenthesis; Right round bracket; Right paren, At symbol; Commercial at; Directed at; Located at; Approximately at; Alias symbol, Caret; Circumflex accent; Up arrow; Hat; Chevron; Control character, Underscore; Understrike; Underbar; Underline, Vertical bar; Pipe; Sheffer stroke; Absolute value symbol; Norm symbol; Nand symbol; Or symbol; Solid vertical bar, Tilde; Mathematical similar symbol; Mathematical equivalent symbol; Logical negation symbol, Inverted exclamation point; Inverted exclamation mark, Pound Sterling sign; Pound Sterling symbol; Lira sign, Broken vertical bar; Pipe; Sheffer stroke; Broken bar, Logical negation symbol; Logical complement; Not symbol, Plus-minus sign; Error symbol; Plus or minus; Precision indicator; White chess advantage notation, Lower case Greek letter mu; Science symbol for micro; µ, Paragraph symbol; pilcrow; Blind P; Paragraph mark; Paraph; Alinea, Middle dot; Interpunct; Interpoint; Dot operator; Dot product operator; Fullwidth; Inner dot; Ponch naut, Capital A umlaut, Capital A dieresis mark, Capital E umlaut; Capital E dieresis mark, Capital I umlaut; Capital I dieresis mark, Capital Eth, Icelandic; Capital Edh; D-stroke, Capital O umlaut; Capital O dieresis mark, Multiplication symbol; Times sign; St. Anderew's Cross; Dimension sign; Into sign, Capital O slash; Empty set symbol; Nullset symbol; Null set, Ø, \varnothing in TeX, or \empty in TeX, Capital U umlaut; Capital U dieresis mark, Capital Thorn, Icelandic; Middle English Th, Small sz ligature, German; Eszett; Scharfes S; Sharp S, Lower case umlaut; Lower case a dieresis mark, Lower case e umlaut; Lower case e dieresis mark, Lower case i umlaut; Lower case i dieresis, Lower case eth, Icelandic; Lower case edh, Lower case o umlaut; Lower case o dieresis, Lower case o slash; Empty set symbol; Nullset symbol; Null set, Lower case u umlaut; Lower case u dieresis, Lower case thorn, Icelandic; Middle English th, Lower case y umlaut; Lower case y dieresis mark, Lowercase o double-acute, as in the name "Erdős", Capital Y umlaut; Capital Y dieresis mark, Circumflex accent; Hat symbol; Roof symbol; Caret, Combining grave accent; Combingin Greek varia, Combining acute accent; Combining stress mark; Combining Greek oxia, tones, Combining circumflex accent; Combining hat, Combining tilde; Combining IPA nazalization; Combining Vietnamese tone mark, Combining overline; Combining overscore; Combining vinculum, Combining breve; Combining short accent; Combining Greek vrachy, Combining dot above; Combining derivative operator (Newtonian notation), Combining diaresis; Combining double dot above; Combining umlaut, Combining turned comma above; Combining cedilla above, Combining comma above; Combining Greek psili; Combining smooth breathing mark, Combining reversed comma above; Combining Greek dasia; Combining rough breathing mark, Combining low line; Combining underline; Combining underscore, Combining double low line; Combining double underline; Combining double underscore, Combining short stroke overlay; Combining short strikethrough; Combining short strikeout, Combining long stroke overlay; Combining long strikethrough; Combining long strikeout, Combining short solidus overlay; Combining short slash overlay, Combining long solidus overlay; Combining long slash overlay, Combining vertical tilde above; Combining yerik, Combining Greek ypogegrammeni; Combining Greek non-spacing iota below; Combining iota subscript, Combining bridge above; Combining IPA dentolabial, Combining equals sign below; Combining IPA alveolar, Combining double vertical line below; Combining IPA strong articulation, Combining left angle below; Combining IPA weak articulation, Combining not tilde above; Combining IPA denasal, Combining homothetic above; Combining IPA nasal escape, Combining almost equal above; Combining IPA velopharyngeal friction, Combining left right arrow below; Combining IPA labial spreading, Combining upwards arrow below; Combining IPA whistled articulation, Combining grapheme joiner (has no visible glyph, does not join graphemes), Combining right arrowhead and up arrowhead below, Combining double breve below; Combining ligature tie below; Combining papyrological hyphen, Combining double inverted breve; Combining ligature tie, Combining double rightwards arrow below; Combining IPA sliding articulation, Russian capital letter А; 1st capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Б; 2nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter В; 3rd capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Г; 4th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Д; 5th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Е; 6th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ж; 7th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter З; 8th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter И; 9th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Й; 10th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter К; 11th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Л; 12th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter М; 13th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Н; 14th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter О; 15th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter П; 16th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Р; 17th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter С; 18th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Т; 19th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter У; 20th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ф; 21st capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Х; 22nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ц; 23rd capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ч; 24th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ш; 25th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Щ; 26th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ъ; 27th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ы; 28th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ь; 29th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Э; 30th capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Ю; 31st capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian capital letter Я; 32nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter а; 1st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter б; 2nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter в; 3rd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter г; 4th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter д; 5th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter е; 6th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ж; 7th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter з; 8th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter и; 9th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter й; 10th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter к; 11th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter л; 12th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter м; 13th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter н; 14th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter о; 15th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter п; 16th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter р; 17th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter с; 18th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter т; 19th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter у; 20th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ф; 21st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter х; 22nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ц; 23rd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ч; 24th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ш; 25th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter щ; 26th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ъ; 27th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ы; 28th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ь; 29th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter э; 30th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter ю; 31st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Russian lower case letter я; 32nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, Hebrew accent Shalshelet; Hebrew accent ֓, Hebrew accent Zaqef Qatan; Hebrew accent ֔, Hebrew accent Zaqef Gadol; Hebrew accent ֕, Hebrew accent Geresh Muqdam; Hebrew accent ֝, Hebrew accent Qarney Para; Hebrew accent ֟, Hebrew accent Telisha Gedola; Hebrew accent ֠, Hebrew accent Atnah Hafukh; Hebrew accent ֢, Hebrew accent Merkha Kefula; Hebrew accent ֦, Hebrew accent Telisha Qetana; Hebrew accent ֩, Hebrew accent Yerah Ben Yomo; Hebrew accent ֪, Hebrew point Hataf Qamats; Hebrew point ֳ, Hebrew point Holam Haser for Vav; Hebrew point ֺ, Hebrew point Dagesh or Mapiq; Hebrew point ּ, Hebrew punctuation Maqaf ; Hebrew punctuation ־, Hebrew punctuation Paseq; Hebrew punctuation ׀, Hebrew punctuation Sof Pasuq; Hebrew punctuation ׃, Hebrew punctuation Nun Hafukha; Hebrew punctuation ׆, Hebrew point Qamats Qatan; Hebrew point ׇ, Hebrew letter Alef; Hebrew letter Aleph; Hebrew letter א, Hebrew letter Final Tsadi; Hebrew letter ץ, Hebrew ligature Yidish Double Vav; Hebrew ligature װ, Hebrew ligature Yidish Vav Yod; Hebrew ligature ױ, Hebrew ligature Yidish Double Yod; Hebrew ligature ײ, Hebrew punctuation Geresh; Hebrew punctuation ׳, Hebrew punctuation Gershayim; Hebrew punctuation ״, Tibetan right facing Svasti sign; Tibetan gyung drung nang -khor; Symbol of good luck and well-being in India; Tibetan ࿕, Tibetan left facing Svasti sign; Tibetan gyung drung phyl -khor; Tibetan ࿖, Tibetan right facing Svasti sign with dots; Tibetan gyung drung nang -khor bzhi mig can; Tibetan ࿗, Tibetan left facing Svasti sign with dots; Tibetan gyung drung phyl -khor bzhi mig can; Tibetan ࿘, Georgian letter ა; 1st letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ბ; 2nd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter გ; 3rd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter დ; 4th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ე; 5th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ვ; 6th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ზ; 7th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter თ; 8th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ი; 9th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter კ; 10th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ლ; 11th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter მ; 12th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ნ; 13th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ო; 14th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter პ; 15th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ჟ; 16th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter რ; 17th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ს; 18th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ტ; 19th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter უ; 20th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ფ; 21st letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ქ; 22nd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ღ; 23rd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ყ; 24th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter შ; 25th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ჩ; 26th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ც; 27th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ძ; 28th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter წ; 29th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ჭ; 30th letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ხ; 31st letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ჯ; 32nd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Georgian letter ჰ; 33rd letter of the Georgian alphabet, Left curly single quotation mark; Left curly apostrophe; Left smart quotation mark, Right curly single quotation mark; Right curly apostrophe; Right apostrophe; Curly apostrophe; Right smart quotation mark, Left curly quotation marks; Left curly double quotation marks; Left smart quotation marks, Right curly quotation marks; Right curly double quotation marks; Right smart quotation marks, Dagger; Obelisk; Adjoint symbol; Annotation symbol, Bullet; Dot; Bullet operator; Dot product operator, Ellipsis; Dot dot dot; Three dots; Suspension point; And so forth symbol, Permille; Per mille; Per mil; Permil; Per thousand sign, Complex numbers symbol; Capital C double-struck, Capital H script; Capital ℋ script; Hamiltonian operator symbol in physics, Hamiltonians symbol; Quaternions symbol; Capital H double-struck, Lower case h sans-serif italic; Lower case ℎ sans-serif italic, Capital L script; Capital ℒ script; Lagrangian operator symbol; Exposure in particle physics, Natural numbers symbol; Capital N double-struck, Projective plane symbol; Capital P double-struck, Rational numbers symbol; Capital Q double-struck, Real numbers symbol; Capital R double-struck, Capital B script; Capital ℬ script; Ball symbol; Vector space basis symbol; Filter symbol, Mathematical Aleph symbol; Cardinality symbol; Aleph number, Mathematical Beth symbol; Cardinality symbol; Beth number, Implication symbol; Implies symbol; If-then symbol; Material implication symbol, Is equivalent to symbol; If and only if symbol; Material equivalence symbol, There does not exist symbol; Inverted E with a slash through it, Mathematical empty set; Nullset; Null morpheme; Diameter sign, Gradient symbol; Divergence symbol; Curl symbol; Del symbol; Inverted delta; Nabla; Laplace operator with exponent 2, Is an element of symbol; Mathematical epsilon, Is not an element of symbol; Mathematical epsilon with a slash, Small is an element of that symbol; Small mathematical epsilon, Such that symbol; Contains as an element symbol; Inverted mathematical epsilon, Not such that symbol; Does not contain as an element symbol; Inverted mathematical epsilon with a slash, Small such that symbol; Small contains as an element symbol; Small inverted mathematical epsilon, Cartesian product symbol; N-ary product symbol; Mathematical capital Greek letter Pi, Coproduct symbol; Disjoint union symbol; N-ary coproduct symbol, Mathematical summation symbol; N-ary summation, Minus-plus sign; Minus or plus; Black chess advantage notation, Relative complement symbol; Set subtraction symbol; Mathematical ∖ symbol, Asterisk operator; Mathematical asterisk; Low asterisk, Bullet operator; Mathematical middle dot; Interpunct; Interpoint, Square root symbol; Radical symbol; Radical symbol without vinculum, Cubed root symbol; Cubed root symbol without vinculum, Fourth root symbol; Fourth root symbol without vinculum, Is proportional to symbol; Varies as symbol, Angle symbol; Angle symbol without an arc, Measured angle symbol; Angle symbol with an arc, Mathematical vertical bar; Divides; Such that, Logical disjunction symbol; Logical OR symbol, Contour integral symbol; Closed integral symbol, Double integral symbol; Closed double integral symbol, Triple integral symbol; Closed triple integral symbol, Left-to-right integral; Clockwise integral, Counterclockwise contour integral; Anticlockwise contour integral, Because symbol; Inverted therefore symbol, Excess symbol; Minus sign with a colon to the right, Tilde operator; Proportional to symbol; Difference between; Varies with; Not; Cycle, Mathematical inverted tilde; Reverse tilde, Compact tilde; Inverted lazy S; Most positive, Tilde with a slash; Not proportional to symbol, Is congruent to; Congruence symbol; Isomorphic to; Isomorphism symbol, Congruent but not equal to symbol; Approximately but not equal to symbol; Congruent symbol with a slash through the equal sign, Not congruent to symbol; Congruent symbol with a slash; Neither congruent nor equal to symbol, Approximately equal to symbol; Wavy equal sign, Not approximately equal to symbol; Approximately equal to symbol with a slash, Triple tilde; Three tilde congruent symbol; Mathematical ≋ symbol, Congruence symbol with tilde reversed; Mathematical ≌ symbol; All equal to symbol, Equality symbol with two curved lines; Mathematical ≍ symbol; Equivalent to symbol, Geometrically equivalent to; Equality symbol with two hats; Mathematical ≎ symbol, Difference between; Equality symbol with a hat; Mathematical ≏ symbol, Approaches the limit; Equality symbol with a dot; Mathematical ≐ symbol, Geometrically equal to; Equality symbol with a dot above and a dot below; Mathematical ≑ symbol, Approximately equal to; The image of; Japanese equality symbol with a dot above and a dot below; Mathematical ≒ symbol, Image of; Approximately equal to; Mathematical ≓ symbol, Colon equals; Equals by definition; Is the definition of; Mathematical ≔ symbol, Delta equal to; Equiangular; Equal to by definition, \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} in TeX, Questioned equal to; May or may not be equal to, Identical to symbol; Congruent modulo symbol, Not identical to; Not congruent to modulo, Not less than or equal to; Neither less than nor equal to, Not greater than or equal to; Neither less than nor equal to, Not less than or equivalent to; Neither less than nor equivalent to, Not greater than or equivalent to; Neither greater than nor equivalent to, Not less than or greater than; Neither less than nor greater than, Not greater than or less than; Neither greater than nor less than, Karp reduction symbol; Is Karp reducible to symbol; Precedes; Is a lower rank than; Is below, Precedes or equal to; Is below or equal to, Succeeds or is equal to; Is above or equal to, Is contained in but not equal to symbol; Set strict containment symbol; Is a strict subset of symbol, Contains but is not equal to symbol; Is a strict superset symbol; Strict superset symbol; Strictly contains symbol, Is not a superset of; Does not contain as a subset, Is contained in or equal to symbol; Set containment symbol; Is a subset of symbol, Contains or is equal to symbol; Is a superset of symbol, Is not a subset or equal to; Neither a subset nor equal to, Is a subset but not equal to; Is contained but is not equal to, Superset but not equal to; Contains but is not equal to, Multiset union; Disjoint union; Multiset multiplication, Multiset union; Multiset addition; Z notation bag addition, Direct sum symbol; Disjoint sum symbol; Exclusive OR symbol, Right tack; Turnstile; Proves; Implies; Yields; Reducible, Left tack; Reverse turnstile; Non-theorem; Does not yield, Perpendicular symbol; Is perpendicular to symbol; Orthogonal symbol; Is coprime to symbol; Is comparable to symbol, True; Statemetn is true; Statement is valid; Statement is a tautology; Satisfies; Results in, Double vertical bar double right turnstyle.

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